How to Prepare for the FTP Test

Performing the Test:

  • Warm up: Warm up for 10 - 20 minutes. Ride easy for 10 then do a few short sharp efforts to get the body ready for the test

  • Test Duration: The most common FTP test format is a 20-minute all-out effort, which is used to estimate your hour-long power - make sure you are ready to perform at intensity for that time period.

  • Pacing: Start at a sustainable effort, not too hard from the beginning. Aim to maintain a steady, hard pace throughout.

  • Effort Level: It should feel very challenging, especially towards the end. You're aiming for the highest power output you can sustain for a 20 minute period.

  1. Cool Down:

    • After the test, do a 10-15 minute easy ride to help your body recover.

  2. Calculating FTP:

    • For a 20-minute test, take the average power you held and multiply it by 0.95. or use our threshold calculator. This gives an estimate of the power you could sustain for an hour, which is your FTP.

  3. Post-Test Analysis:

    • Review your data, and note any areas for improvement.

    • Use your FTP to set training zones and track progress. - Our Zone calculator is here

  4. Regular Testing:

    • Repeat the test every few months to gauge improvements and adjust training zones.

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